BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth is a dental instrument that uses ultrasonic vibrations to remove plaque and calculus (tartar) from teeth. The device works by generating high-frequency sound waves that create a scrubbing action against the teeth, breaking up and removing plaque and tartar. It is used in dental offices and is typically used in conjunction with a professional cleaning by a dentist or hygienist.
BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth - before after

BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth Parts

The BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover typically includes the following parts:

  1. The Handpiece: This is the main component of the device and is used to generate ultrasonic vibrations that remove plaque and tartar.
  2. The Transducer: This component converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to create ultrasonic vibrations.
  3. The Control Unit: This is the electronic control system that regulates the power and frequency of the ultrasonic vibrations.
  4. The Water Supply: The device uses water to cool the tip of the handpiece and to flush away debris during cleaning.
  5. The Tips: Various interchangeable tips can be used to clean different surfaces of the teeth, such as the crowns, interproximal, and subgingival areas.
  6. The Foot Pedal: This controls the power of the device, allowing the user to start and stop the cleaning process.
  7. Power cord: to connect the device to an electrical outlet.

BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth - parts

Note: The parts of the device may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and model.

BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth - easy to dissassemble and install

Features & Benefits

The BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth is a powerful dental instrument that offers several features and benefits, including:

  1. High-frequency ultrasonic vibrations: These create a scrubbing action that effectively removes plaque and tartar from teeth.
  2. Interchangeable tips: Different tips can be used to clean different surfaces of the teeth, such as the crowns, interproximal, and subgingival areas.
  3. Water cooling: The device uses water to cool the tip of the handpiece and to flush away debris during cleaning, which helps to prevent damage to the teeth.
  4. High precision: The device allows the user to control the power and frequency of the ultrasonic vibrations, which helps to ensure precise and effective cleaning.
  5. Efficient: BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth is highly efficient and can be used to clean teeth quickly and effectively, even in hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Comfortable for the patient: The device is less invasive than traditional scaling methods, and the ultrasonic vibrations are gentle on the teeth and gums.
  7. Cost-effective: BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth can be used to remove plaque and tartar quickly and effectively, which helps to reduce the time and costs associated with professional teeth cleaning.
  8. Easy to use: The device is designed to be easy to use and requires minimal training.
  9. Durable: The device is built to last and is made of high-quality materials that are designed to withstand repeated use.

Note: It’s important to remember that BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover is a professional dental instrument and should be used only by trained dental professionals.

BMAG Electric Calculus Plaque Remover for Teeth specs

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